An acclaimed project and data to improve journalism

Managed by the Project for Excellence in Journalism (a research organization underwritten by the Pew Charitable Trusts), this website is designed as a portal for people involved and/or interested in journalism in its many forms – citizens, reporters, students. It gathers plenty of data, tools, and ideas, along with studies and research, links to related sites, job links, compilations of ethics codes and many other resources for journalists and citizens. Among various activities, the PEJ publishes from 2004 the acclaimed State of the News Media, an annual report on American Journalism. Reports, analysis and commentaries are are also provided, and each data produced or aggregated is listed, searchable and customizable. Managed by a professional staff, the website produces plenty of original material and news with daily updates and weekly analysis reports, all freely available to the public. An e-newsletter and several RSS news feed are available, along with a sitemap and a simple keyword but powerful search facility. Overall the website is dinamically organized, well integrated with text and images, and quite easy to navigate, despite its large amount of different material available.

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