Through the improvement of its network and the expansion of its membership, the association will enable students of political science to evolve into critical individual, which will be able to take an active role in our society. Aimed at fostering cooperation among political science students through a global communication network, this site works as a starting point to build a large network of local societies and to organize an exchange of information between those organisations (by means of e-mails, internet, phone and ordinary mail). The site makes easier for students to find news and contacts for international study programs, to access useful information and data, and in general to facilitate a more global view of acitivities and worldviews related to Political Science activities. With institutional information about the association (working groups, projects, publications, etc.) and a good amount of related news items, this site is quite helpful for PS students worldwide and features a great updating rate through its weblog. In the same logic of its first partner – Federica, the WebLearning platform of the University of Naples – the whole site content is open and free to the public, with most material easily saved on-screen and a great amount of internal links used as tools to develop and support the International community that is the backbone of the entire project.
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