Created in 1981, the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA) is an independent institute based at Maastricht and articulated in several antennas in different countries and in Brussels. EIPA has been granted the status of European Documentation Centre by the European Commission, becoming a depository of all official EU documents. Its general aim is to support the European Union and its member states’ administrations by conducting researches on public administration and European policies, and by offering training, consultancy and archives. Its website gives access to a large amount of info on the institute’s organization and activities, and provides working papers, proceedings of colloquia or seminars, books and documents containing the results of research activities. Accessible items can be located through a keyword-based search engine and downloadable in pdf format. Many full texts are available free of charge while for digital books retrieval a payment is required. Users are also allowed to freely consult the large institute’s library catalogue, which houses a collection of 25,000 volumes on European issues, public administration and public management. In addition to this, a useful lists of external connections to European institutions and to related websites are retrievable for further navigation. The website structure allows easy orientation and material and info retrieval.
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